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5:20 p.m. - 2003-12-10
1/4 year
wednesday, december 10

it's a slow day today. i don't feel like designing, I'd rather be doing something mindless like shining silverware or shelving books. so I try to find things that take a lot of time, like writing pointless things on my calendar or endlessly organizing my desktop or making tea a lot.

and reading the entirety of an interview with Jack Black from The Believer. it was a good interview. here's an excerpt that reminded me of something:

JB: See, I say thirty-three is the landmark.
DH: Of what?
JB: It's the landmark year. I'm a Jew. Thirty-three is when Christ died. So though I'm a Jew, in the back of my mind I still think that I gotta get it done before I'm thirty-four because well, I don't know why. He got it done before He was thirty-four.

These are almost the exact same words my mother said to me a few years ago. She said that the entire year she was 33, she felt strange because that's how old Jesus was when he died. Funny how my mom and Jack Black would have something like this in common.

I hope it snows tonight. rain in december is stupidly depressing. how sweet would it be if we got a blizzard and I couldn't get to work tomorrow? but i guess the bad thing about snow is that it makes me miss being in school, when snow was a big excuse to skip class and watch movies and hang out all day.

and, guess what? . . .mike and i have been together three months today. he sent me flowers saying "happy 1/4 year anniversary." he really is the best. i lucked out.

now i feel all fuzzy and mushy. eee!

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