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3:09 p.m. - 2003-04-02
camera, story

wednesday. april 2. 3 PM

i think i'm starting to get paranoid that i update my diary at work, and generally have incriminating evidence about myself on the internet. last night i had a dream that i was painting at work and I got in huge trouble from my bosses. i always empty the cache and stuff, but i kind of have a feeling like there's some Big Brothery stuff that could happen around here.

in other news.

okay, so we all know that i don't have scrooge mcduck-like piles of money. actually, i'm toeing the poverty line right now, considering this next month of expenses (taxes, california). in spite of this, i think i'm buying a digital camera. because though I know it does not fit in the category of "need" i would really really like a good camera for california and disposables just don't do it.

so I'm thinking about the Canon Powershot A70, which is basically a souped up version of the camera I had for a scant four days last summer before it was stolen.


it's colder today than it's supposed to be, and I'm not feeling much of anything.

but here's a story. driving back from lunch with co workers, we were talking about money, and I said all I really have figured out is that getting a sugardaddy would solve all my problems. and this guy says, "yeah, but think of how bad your self-worth would be" all seriously and whatnot. and man, I was making a joke! obviously people are jerks.

also I obviously do not have much to talk about.

love, katie

oh yeah, if i sent you the superhero forward, could you send it back to me with your response? i want to compile a list. friendship.

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