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2:19 p.m. - 2002-08-21
actually accomplished things.
wednesday. august 21. 2:19 PM

dreams last night:

i was at a camp, strange rooms with beds everywhere. lots of riding around on water, speeding around on strange boats. then, I was with two other girls, and we had to go through a revolving door to get back on land. the camp legend, though, was that if you didn't make it through the door on the first revolution, you'd die. I didn't get in on time, and in my dream I only remember two girls looking in on me with horror. then, in my sleep, I physically could not move, and all my dreams went black. scary.

then, another scene thats beginning to be recurring. I'm in a place thats some strange composite of large european cities, only its grander and more perfect. there was a dynamic monolith of a statue in the bay, venetian detail on all the windows and facades, perfectly manicured gardens surrounded by huge columns, cathedrals, loggias. and it is always, always like venice with canals and oceans everywhere.

something about venice just got trapped in my subconscious; i was only there two days and I still regularly dream about it.

anyway, just wanted to remember that.

and also! today I actually accomplished job-searching things. i feel happier.

off to the post office then to joe's. then a downtown adventure tonight with joe and ryan.


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