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5:40 p.m. - 2004-01-21
animals and thai food
wednesday january 21

diary, I forgot to tell you this story. and since my daily work life is less than fascinating, we're going a little back in time.

friday night before we went to an "all you can drink for $30" birthday party (that's a different story), Mike and I stopped at the Thai place up the street from my apartment. It's the closest non-hotdog food to my apartment, so it's the most convenient. I usually end up always getting the same thing, pad thai with chicken medium spicy, but this time I shook it up! sushi combo! it was good.

anyway, half the reason I like this place is because once I was there with Mike, near the beginning of when we started dating. and as soon as we sat down that night, the music changed to Belle and Sebastian's If You're Feeling Sinister, a personal favorite album of mine. and they played it the whole way through. now I associate the restaurant with feeling really happy.

it's also decorated really nicely, candles and low-key asian stuff, but not too pretentious. it's a good "my place" kind of place.

when Mike and I were there this friday night, we ended up having one of the most animal-centric conversations I've ever had. and we weren't even trying! you wont' believe this. we talked about monkeys, snapping turtles, hornbill birds, extinct birds, dogs, bears I think. . . I wish I would have made the list a few days ago, because it was seriously something like 14 different kinds of animals that just came up naturally in the conversation.

dude it was awesome.

I thought you would like this rambly story.

and right now at work everyone's making fun of me because I was like 6 when they all graduated from high school.

what a day!

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