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12:26 p.m. - 2003-09-18
everything hits at once
thursday, september 18.

i'm overflowing!

working, working, working. designing, redesigning, production, refining, refining. meetings. reassessments. 12, 13 hour days.

my current state feels manic. I'm overworked and overwhelmed, and I've lost my appetite so I drink coffee and orange juice and try not to crash. prospect of working saturday, sunday, then starting the week again.

and to be honest, this is so much just the surface of how I feel. manic, wild. not from work, but these electric running currents of. do I say? do I not say? I have letters to write all of you, this isn't enough in itself, phone calls, you need to know.

I think I've found all my missing puzzle pieces, in the form of another person.

it's like I've known him all along, like my whole life, I just didn't find him until now, a week ago. seven days I've known him, and it boggles my mind. that's all?

I'm gushing, smiling, singing. lots of lucinda williams.

these are the highlights and shadows. there'll be more truth later, when the time finds me.

love to you all.

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