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3:11 p.m. - 2003-10-17
cubs lose.
friday october 17.

quelle semaine.

i feel exhausted merely living in the city. it's an appreciated exhaustion, though, I like when things get all turned around. I like when I can feel a general mood over a large space. i'm not explaining this well.

wednesday night there was birthday partying and drinking of dangerous sangria. old rome friends, my favorite kind. then mike and I sat at a bar and made bar-friends with another couple and watched the cubs lose.

everyone spills out of everywhere and everyone everywhere is talking about the same things, cursing the same curses. there were two guys walking together behind us, both talking on their separate cel phones about how much they hate the marlins. the looks on the faces of the people waiting at the el said it all: not a lot of smiles in that crowd.

but i move on, quickly. we went and saw Nolan and it was ass-kicking, if sparsely attended. i'm looking forward now to the halloween show in iowa city. i'm guessing it will be more friendly.

secrets on the cab ride home. though at this point, & let's be honest here, there really aren't a lot of secrets left in me. i don't mind too much.

thursday: hangover, office drama, and out for karaoke with mike's co-workers. i was pleasantly surprised at how fun it was even though I knew no one. i guess guys in sales are like that, though.

i'm driving back to iowa tonight. that's kind of not awesome, the five hour drive after work and friday traffic. but what will be awesome is being home. it's been too long.

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